Page 1554 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1554
He, ’tis he.
A chair brought in.
O, that’s well said, a chair:
Some good man bear him carefully from hence,
I’ll fetch the general’s surgeon: (To Bianca) for you, mistress,
Save you your labour; − he that lies slain here, Cassio, [100]
Was my dear friend, what malice was betwixt you?
None in the world, nor do I know the man.
(To Bianca)
What, look you pale? − O, bear him out o’ the air.
Cassio and Roderigo are borne off.
Stay you, good gentlewoman; look you pale, mistress?
Do you perceive the gestures of her eye? [105]
Nay, an you stir, − we shall have more anon:
Behold her well I pray you, look upon her,
Do you see, gentlemen? nay, guiltiness
Will speak, though tongues were out of use.
Enter Emilia.
’Las, what’s the matter? what’s the matter, [110] husband?
Cassio has here been set on in the dark,
By Roderigo, and fellows that are ’scap’d,
He’s almost slain, and Roderigo dead.
Alas, good gentleman! alas, good Cassio!