Page 1547 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1547

ACT V       IT

                                                     Scene I        IT

                                                          A Street.

                                               Enter Iago and Roderigo.

               Here stand behind this bulk, straight will he come,
               Wear thy good rapier bare, and put it home,

               Quick, quick, fear nothing, I’ll be at thy elbow;
               It makes us or it mars us, think of that,
               And fix most firm thy resolution. [5]

               Be near at hand, I may miscarry in ’t.

               Here at thy hand, be bold, and take thy sword.

               I have no great devotion to the deed;
               And yet he has given me satisfying reasons,
               ’Tis but a man gone: forth, my sword, he dies. [10]

               I have rubb’d this young quat almost to the sense,

               And he grows angry now: whether he kill Cassio,
               Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,
               Every way makes my game; live Roderigo,
               He calls me to a restitution large, [15]
               For gold and jewels, that I bobb’d from him,
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