Page 1504 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1504



               No, faith, my lord.

                               That’s a fault: that handkerchief
               Did an Egyptian to my mother give,

               She was a charmer, and could almost read [55]
               The thoughts of people; she told her, while she kept it
               ’Twould make her amiable, and subdue my father
               Entirely to her love: but if she lost it,
               Or made a gift of it, my father’s eye

               Should hold her loathly, and his spirits should hunt [60]
               After new fancies: she dying, gave it me,
               And bid me, when my fate would have me wive,

               To give it her; I did so, and take heed on’t,
               Make it a darling, like your precious eye,
               To lose, or give’t away, were such perdition [65]
               As nothing else could match.

                               Is ’t possible?

               ’Tis true, there’s magic in the web of it;

               A sibyl, that had number’d in the world
               The sun to make two hundred compasses,
               In her prophetic fury sew’d the work; [70]

               The worms were hallow’d that did breed the silk,
               And it was dyed in mummy, which the skilful
               Conserve of maidens’ hearts.

                               I’ faith, is ’t true?

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