Page 1461 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1461

King Stephen was a worthy peer,
                                                    His breeches cost him but a crown;
                               He held ’em sixpence all too dear, [85]
                                                    With that he call’d the tailor lown,

                               He was a wight of high renown,
                                                    And thou art but of low degree,
                               ’Tis pride that pulls the country down,
                                                    Then take thine owd cloak about thee. [90]

               Some wine, ho!

          ’Fore God this is a more exquisite song than the other.

          Will you hear’t again?

          No, for I hold him unworthy of his place, that [95] does those things: well,
          God’s above all, and there be souls that must be saved, and there be souls
          must not be saved.

          It is true, good lieutenant.

          For mine own part, no offence to the general, [100] nor any man of quality, I
          hope to be saved.

          And so do I, lieutenant.

          Ay, but by your leave, not before me; the lieutenant is to be saved before the

          ancient. Let’s ha’ no more of this, let’s to our affairs: God forgive us [105] our
          sins!  Gentlemen,  let’s  look  to  our  business.  Do  not  think  gentlemen  I  am
          drunk, this is my ancient, this is my right hand, and this is my left hand: I am
          not drunk now, I can stand well enough, and speak well enough. [110]
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