Page 1438 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1438

Please your grace, my ancient,
               A man he is of honesty and trust,
               To his conveyance I assign my wife, [285]
               With what else needful your good grace shall think

               To be sent after me.

                               Let it be so.
               Good night to every one; and, noble signior,
               If virtue no delighted beauty lack,

               Your son-in-law is far more fair than black. [290]

              FIRST SENATOR

               Adieu, brave Moor, use Desdemona well.

               Look to her, Moor, have a quick eye to see:
               She has deceiv’d her father, may do thee.
                                                                 Exeunt Duke, Senators, Officers, & c.

               My life upon her faith: honest Iago,

               My Desdemona must I leave to thee; [295]
               I prithee, let thy wife attend on her,
               And bring her after in the best advantage;
               Come, Desdemona, I have but an hour

               Of love, of worldly matters, and direction,
               To spend with thee; we must obey the time. [300]
                                                                       Exeunt Othello and Desdemona.


          What sayest thou, noble heart?

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