Page 1422 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1422

I would not my unhoused free condition
               Put into circumscription and confine
               For the sea’s worth. But look what lights come yonder.

               These are the raised father and his friends,
               You were best go in.

                               Not I, I must be found: [30]
               My parts, my title, and my perfect soul,
               Shall manifest me rightly: is it they?

               By Janus I think no.

                                      Enter Cassio, with Officers, and torches.

               The servants of the duke, and my lieutenant.

               The goodness of the night upon you, friends! [35]
               What is the news?

                               The duke does greet you, general,
               And he requires your haste post-haste appearance,

               Even on the instant.

                               What’s the matter, think you?

               Something from Cyprus, as I may divine;
               It is a business of some heat, the galleys [40]
               Have sent a dozen sequent messengers

               This very night, at one another’s heels:
               And many of the consuls, rais’d and met,
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