Page 396 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 396

I pray you have in mind where we must meet.

               I will not fail you.

               You look not well, Signor Antonio.
               You have too much respect upon the world;
               They lose it that do buy it with much care. [75]

               Believe me, you are marvellously changed.

               I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano,
               A stage where every man must play a part,
               And mine a sad one.

                               Let me play the fool,

               With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come, [80]
               And let my liver rather heat with wine
               Than my heart cool with mortifying groans.
               Why should a man whose blood is warm within,

               Sit like his grandsire, cut in alabaster?
               Sleep when he wakes? and creep into the jaundice [85]
               By being peevish? I tell thee what, Antonio,
               (I love thee, and ’tis my love that speaks):

               There are a sort of men whose visages
               Do cream and mantle like a standing pond,
               And do a wilful stillness entertain, [90]
               With purpose to be dressed in an opinion

               Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit,
               As who should say, ‘I am Sir Oracle,
               And when I ope my lips, let no dog bark’.
               O my Antonio, I do know of these [95]

               That therefore only are reputed wise
               For saying nothing, when I am very sure
               If they should speak, would almost damn those ears,
               Which hearing them would call their brothers fools.
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