Page 202 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 202

For heaven sake, Hubert, let me not be bound!
               Nay, hear me, Hubert, drive these men away,
               And I will sit as quiet as a lamb;
               I will not stir, nor winch, nor speak a word, [80]

               Nor look upon the iron angerly:
               Thrust but these men away, and I’ll forgive you
               Whatever torment you do put me to.

               Go, stand within; let me alone with him.

               I am best pleas’d to be from such a deed. [85]

                                                                                    [Exeunt Executioners.]

               Alas, I then have chid away my friend!
               He hath a stern look, but a gentle heart:
               Let him come back, that his compassion may
               Give life to yours.

                               Come, boy, prepare yourself.

               Is there no remedy?

                               None, but to lose your eyes. [90]

               O heaven, that there were but a mote in yours,
               A grain, a dust, a gnat, a wandering hair,

               Any annoyance in that precious sense!
               Then, feeling what small things are boisterous there,
               Your vild intent must needs seem horrible. [95]
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