Page 164 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 164


               Know him in us, that here hold up his right.

              KING JOHN
               In us, that are our own great deputy, [365]
               And bear possession of our person here,
               Lord of our presence, Angiers, and of you.


               A greater power than we denies all this;
               And till it be undoubted, we do lock
               Our former scruple in our strong-barr’d gates: [370]
               Kings of our fear, until our fears, resolv’d,
               Be by some certain king purg’d and depos’d.


               By heaven, these scroyles of Angiers flout you, kings,
               And stand securely on their battlements,
               As in a theatre, whence they gape and point [375]
               At your industrious scenes and acts of death.

               Your royal presences be rul’d by me:
               Do like the mutines of Jerusalem,
               Be friends awhile and both conjointly bend
               Your sharpest deeds of malice on this town. [380]

               By east and west let France and England mount
               Their battering cannon charged to the mouths,
               Till their soul-fearing clamours have brawl’d down
               The flinty ribs of this contemptuous city:

               I’d play incessantly upon these jades, [385]
               Even till unfenced desolation
               Leave them as naked as the vulgar air.
               That done, dissever your united strengths,

               And part your mingled colours once again;
               Turn face to face and bloody point to point; [390]
               Then, in a moment, fortune shall cull forth
               Out of one side her happy minion,

               To whom in favour she shall give the day,
               And kiss him with a glorious victory.
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