Page 1437 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1437


          (reading from a scroll)

                               Done to death by slanderous tongues
                                                    Was the Hero that here lies;

                               Death, in guerdon of her wrongs, [5]
                                                    Gives her fame which never dies.
                               So the life that died with shame
                               Lives in death with glorious fame.

                                                    Hang thou there upon the tomb
                                                    Praising her when I am dumb. [10]
          Now, music, sound, and sing your solemn hymn.


                               Pardon, goddess of the night,

                               Those that slew thy virgin knight;
                               For the which, with songs of woe,
                               Round about her tomb they go. [15]
                                                    Midnight, assist our moan,

                                                    Help us to sigh and groan,
                                                                         Heavily, heavily.
                                                    Graves yawn and yield your dead,
                                                    Till death be utterèd, [20]

                                                                         Heavily, heavily.

               Now, unto thy bones good night!
               Yearly will I do this rite.

              DON PEDRO
               Good morrow, masters; put your torches out;
               The wolves have preyed, and look, the gentle day, [25]

               Before the wheels of Phoebus, round about
               Dapples the drowsy east with spots of grey.
               Thanks to you all, and leave us; fare you well.
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