Page 1419 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1419
Would give preceptial medicine to rage,
Fetter strong madness in a silken thread, [25]
Charm ache with air and agony with words.
No, no; ’tis all men’s office to speak patience
To those that wring under the load of sorrow,
But no man’s virtue nor sufficiency
To be so moral when he shall endure [30]
The like himself. Therefore give me no counsel;
My griefs cry louder than advertisement.
Therein do men from children nothing differ.
I pray thee, peace. I will be flesh and blood;
For there was never yet philosopher [35]
That could endure the toothache patiently,
However they have writ the style of gods,
And made a push at chance and sufferance.
Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself;
Make those that do offend you suffer too. [40]
There thou speak’st reason; nay, I will do so.
My soul doth tell me Hero is belied,
And that shall Claudio know; so shall the Prince,
And all of them that thus dishonour her.
Here comes the Prince and Claudio hastily. [45]
Enter Don Pedro and Claudio.
Good-e’en, good-e’en.