Page 1396 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1396
exclamation on your worship as of any man in the city; and though I be but a
poor man, I [25] am glad to hear it.
And so am I.
I would fain know what you have to say.
Marry, sir, our watch tonight, excepting your worship’s presence, ha’ta’en a
couple of as arrant knaves [30] as any in Messina.
A good old man, sir, he will be talking; as they say, When the age is in, the
wit is out.’ God help us, it is a world to see! Well said, i’faith, neighbour
Verges; well, God’s good man; an two men ride of a horse, one must [35]
ride behind. An honest soul, i’faith, sir, by my troth he is, as ever broke bread.
But God is to be worshipped; all men are not alike. Alas, good neighbour!
Indeed, neighbour, he comes too short of you.
Gifts that God gives. [40]
I must leave you.
One word, sir; our watch, sir, have indeed comprehended two aspicious
persons, and we would have them this morning examined before your
Take their examination yourself and bring it [45] me; I am now in great
haste, as it may appear unto you.