Page 1389 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1389


          Not  so,  neither:  but  know  that  I  have  tonight  wooed  Margaret,  the  Lady
          Hero’s gentlewoman, by the name of Hero; she leans me out at her mistress’
          chamber-window, bids me a thousand times good-night − I tell this tale vilely

          −  I  should  first  tell  thee  how  the  [145]  Prince,  Claudio,  and  my  master,
          planted, and placed, and possessed, by my master Don John, saw afar off in
          the orchard this amiable encounter.

          And thought they Margaret was Hero?

          Two of them did, the Prince and Claudio; but [150] the devil my master knew
          she was Margaret; and partly by his oaths, which first possessed them, partly

          by the dark night, which did deceive them, but chiefly by my villainy, which
          did  confirm  any  slander  that  Don  John  had  made,  away  went  Claudio
          enraged; swore he would [155] meet her, as he was appointed, next morning

          at  the  temple,  and  there,  before  the  whole  congregation,  shame  her  with
          what he saw o’er night, and send her home again without a husband.

              FIRST WATCHMAN
          We charge you, in the Prince’s name [160] stand!

              SECOND WATCHMAN
          Call  up  the  right  Master  Constable.  We  have  here  recovered  the  most
          dangerous piece of lechery that ever was known in the commonwealth.

              FIRST WATCHMAN
          And one Deformed is one of them; I [165] know him, ’a wears a lock.

          Masters, masters −

              SECOND WATCHMAN

          You’ll be made bring Deformed forth, I warrant you.

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