Page 1338 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1338


          I have almost matter enough in me for such an embassage; and so I commit
          you −

          To the tuition of God. From my house, if I had it − [260]

              DON PEDRO
          The sixth of July. Your loving friend, Benedick.

          Nay, mock not, mock not. The body of your discourse is sometime guarded

          with fragments, and the guards are but slightly basted on neither. Ere you
          flout  [265]  old  ends  any  further,  examine  your  conscience;  and  so  I  leave

               My liege, your highness now may do me good.

              DON PEDRO

               My love is thine to teach; teach it but how,
               And thou shalt see how apt it is to learn [270]
               Any hard lesson that may do thee good.

               Hath Leonato any son, my lord?

              DON PEDRO
               No child but Hero; she’s his only heir.

               Dost thou affect her, Claudio?

                               O, my lord,
               When you went onward on this ended action, [275]
               I looked upon her with a soldier’s eye,
               That liked, but had a rougher task in hand
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