Page 268 - Shakespeare - Vol. 1
P. 268

My Icarus, my blossom, in his pride.

            Enter [Soldiers] with [the body of] John Talbot borne.


 O my dear lord, lo where your son is borne!


 Thou antic Death, which laugh’st us here to scorn,
 Anon from thy insulting tyranny,
 Coupled in bonds of perpetuity, [20]
 Two Talbots, wingèd through the lither sky,
 In thy despite shall ’scape mortality -
 O thou whose wounds become hard-favoured Death,
 Speak to thy father ere thou yield thy breath!
 Brave Death by speaking, whether he will or no; [25]
 Imagine him a Frenchman and thy foe -
 Poor boy, he smiles, methinks, as who should say,
 ‘Had Death been French, then Death had died today.’
 Come, come, and lay him in his father’s arms;
 My spirit can no longer bear these harms. [30]
 Soldiers, adieu! I have what I would have,
 Now my old arms are young John Talbot’s grave.

                                   [Alarums. Exeunt soldiers, leaving the bodies.]

     Enter Charles, Alençon, Burgundy, Bastard, and [la] Pucelle [with


 Had York and Somerset brought rescue in,
 We should have found a bloody day of this.


 How the young whelp of Talbot’s, raging-wood, [35]
 Did flesh his puny sword in Frenchmen’s blood.


 Once I encountered him, and thus I said:
 ‘Thou maiden youth, be vanquished by a maid’;
 But with a proud majestical high scorn
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