Page 259 - Shakespeare - Vol. 1
P. 259

But rather, moody-mad; and, desperate stags, [50]
Turn on the bloody hounds with heads of steel
And make the cowards stand aloof at bay:
Sell every man his life as dear as mine,
And they shall find dear deer of us, my friends.
God and Saint George, Talbot and England’s right, [55]
Prosper our colours in this dangerous fight!


                               Scene III IT

Enter a Messenger that meets York. Enter York with Trumpet and many


 Are not the speedy scouts returned again
 That dogged the mighty army of the dauphin?


 They are returned, my lord, and give it out
 That he is marched to Bordeaux with his power
 To fight with Talbot; as he marched along, [5]
 By your espials were discoverèd
 Two mightier troops than that the dauphin led,
 Which joined with him and made their march for Bordeaux.


 A plague upon that villain Somerset
 That thus delays my promisèd supply [10]
 Of horsemen that were levied for this siege!
 Renownèd Talbot doth expect my aid,
 And I am louted by a traitor villain
 And cannot help the noble chevalier.
 God comfort him in this necessity: [15]
 If he miscarry, farewell wars in France!

                   Enter another messenger [Sir William Lucy].


 Thou princely leader of our English strength,
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