Page 195 - Shakespeare - Vol. 1
P. 195
Assigned am I to be the English scourge.
This night the siege assurèdly I’ll raise; [130]
Expect Saint Martin’s summer, halcyons’ days,
Since I have enterèd into these wars.
Glory is like a circle in the water,
Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself
Till, by broad spreading, it disperse to nought: [135]
With Henry’s death the English circle ends,
Dispersèd are the glories it included.
Now am I like that proud insulting ship
Which Caesar and his fortune bare at once.
Was Mahomet inspirèd with a dove? [140]
Thou with an eagle art inspirèd then.
Helen, the mother of great Constantine,
Nor yet Saint Philip’s daughters were like thee.
Bright star of Venus, fall’n down on the earth,
How may I reverently worship thee enough? [145]
Leave off delays and let us raise the siege.
Woman, do what thou canst to save our honours;
Drive them from Orléans and be immortalised.
Presently we’ll try. Come, let’s away about it;
No prophet will I trust if she prove false. [150]
Scene III IT
Enter Gloucester with his Servingmen [in blue coats].
I am come to survey the Tower this day;
Since Henry’s death I fear there is conveyance.