Page 66 - The Rough Guide of Sicily
P. 66

Festival of Santa Marina Santa Marina Salina, Salina (July 17). A religious
           procession, market, music and fireworks.

           Festival of Santa Maria di Terzito Salina (July 23). Music, market and more
           fireworks at the sanctuary of Madonna del Terzito.

           Tindari festival Tyndaris. Theatre and concerts in the ancient theatre, from the last
           week in July until late August.

           Castroreale Jazz Castroreale (late July to early Aug). The mountain village of
           Castroreale attracts international musicians for a series of open-air concerts.

           Estate Ennese Enna (July & Aug). A series of concerts and opera in the open-air
           theatre at Enna’s castle. Runs until end of Aug.


           II Palio dei Normanni Piazza Armerina (Aug 12–14). The largest of several similar

           events in surrounding towns, Piazza’s medieval pageant commemorates Count
           Roger’s taking of the town in the eleventh century with a processional entry into town
           on the 12th and a ceremonial joust on the 14th, along with costumed parades and other

           Palio Ortigia island, Siracusa (first Sun in Aug). A boat race round the island, in
           which the five traditional quarters of the city compete with raucous enthusiasm.

           Ferragosto (Aug 12–15). Processions and fireworks throughout Sicily; Messina has

           perhaps the best event.


           Monreale concerts A week of ecclesiastical music concerts, staged at the cathedral
           from the last week in October to the first week in November.


           Christmas week Display of eighteenth-century cribs in Acireale.

           Santa Lucia Siracusa (Dec 13). Festival of St Lucy: a procession to the church of

           Santa Lucia.

           Nativity procession Salemi (Dec 24). Procession of locals dressed as characters
           from the Nativity story.

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